Saturday, November 15, 2008

Living Science Series: Williamson's Kids' Can! books

For upper elementary and early middle school kids, I really like books from the Williamson's Kids' Can! series, which incidentally has much more than science titles.

Click on any of the book covers to see them at

While the series has several nature titles, I particularly like their physical science books. These books are divided into sections with several fairly easy experiments to choose from, plus just enough background, vocabulary, and concept explanation (often missing in pure experiment books) to make these not quite spines yet much more than topic books. You could easily build a year's worth of science around each of these titles.

It looks like Super Science Concoctions has been released in a new format, so I've included both covers. I don't know if all these books will have their format changed; so long as the contents don't change much, I am glad they continue to be published.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have always LOVED these books. We own a few for various subject, but it seems I check one out at the library for nearly every unit I plan.

:) Cindy