Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Blood and Guts

For science this winter and spring, we are using Blood and Guts: A Working Guide to Your Own Insides by Linda Allison. This is A Brown Paper School book, a series that also includes some great math titles like Math for Smarty Pants, The I Hate Mathematics! Book, and The Book of Think.

Blood and Guts covers the major body systems and has a nice handful of experiments and activities to do, including dissections. The physiology is good, though the simple line drawings don't really capture anatomy well.

I am pairing this up with The Body Book by Donald Silver. This book is filled with reproducible pages to be used to make large organ models. This book better covers anatomy, especially if you decide against dissection. It has more activities and some physiology as well.

Together they make a nice middle school human body unit.


Prince Andrew and the Queen Mum said...

i think i have these books... a friend had recommended. now where did i put them;)

L a u r a said...

My 9 yos love Blood and Guts! I'll be looking into getting The Body Book as well...or wait until next year or so if it's more for middle schoolers.

Again, thanks for the great tip!

Kris said...

I am using the Body Book with all three of my boys. It certainly can be done with younger kids since it is just coloring and taping together. How much they get out of it depends on their readiness. If your 9yo is ready and the others are going along for the ride (like mine are) they this is a good book for that.

Say, Queen Mum, did you find them?