Thursday, January 22, 2009

Skin model

We finished our first model, skin, from The Body Book. I ripped the pages out of the binder, put each in sheet protectors, and scanned what I need, and printed it out onto heavy paper. The subcutaneous (bottom) sheet is actually card stock while the other two are 28# paper. It is all held together with tape and was easy to assemble.

Each layer flips up on tape hinges. The boys enjoyed putting this together; we refer to it while reading through Blood and Guts.

We also demonstration the effectiveness of evaporation by rubbing a little isopropyl alcohol, which evaporated quickly, on one hand and water on the other. The alcohol feels much cooler.

One experiment not in the book that I want to try with the boys demonstrates that cold and wet are both sensed by the same sensors. Blindfold your subject and put something cold, but dry, on them and ask if they feel something wet...


Anonymous said...

This came out awesome! I love the hairs sticking out and the fold over flaps.

Dana Leeds said...

Oh, I love these models, too! Would love to hear more about how you did them.